Peggy Raasch
Peggy believes that art should be a moving experience for both the painter and the viewer alike. In her recent series, At the Art Wauk , she engages the viewers with a story as each painting is a playful scene intended to make the viewer smile and ask, "What is going on here?"
"My style of painting is "painterly". I will heighten the surface plane with undulating, gestural brush strokes. I use floating shapes and tones on top of each other in order to create movement reflecting in both the negative and positive spaces. Often I will come in with line definition here and there just to clarify the form."
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All About Me
Peggy Raasch has always had a passion for art. As a young child, she discovered the world of art through her Aunt Mary who often bought Peggy art books and biographies of famous artists to study. Together they explored the Chicago art scene through outings to the Chicago Art Institute, and numerous trips to galleries and commercial studios.
When she was 12 years old, Peggy started painting sports posters for her father, who offered guidance to improve her work. This became her forte when she created poster art for businesses and sports teams. It was years later when Peg learned that her father had turned down a scholarship to the Art Institute. Instead he chose_to help support his family during the Great Depression.
For 20 years, Peggy maintain her love of art while working as the art supervisor of Waukegan Blueprint , and managed an on site gallery.
Peggy holds an art degree from Northeastern Illinois University. Over the years she has continued to study and work with a variety artists and teachers. These have included multi media artists Rudolf Pen, Carl Schwartz, Ed Paschke, Robert Burridge, Bonnie Paruch and also watercolorists Don Andrews, Frank Webb and Nita Engle. Peggy feels learning and painting with a variety of artists has helped her to develop her own distinct style and she has exhibited in many shows during her career.
Peg also maintained a studio at 19 N. Genesee Street, Waukegan, Illinois where she concentrated in both graphics and fine arts. Coincidentally, this was located just north of the Dandelion Gallery where she is now one of the exhibiting artists.
Peggy's art reflects her inspiration from the "freedom of the brush" of the Impressionists. She is drawn to the work of Soutine, Bonnard, Van Gogh and Toulouse Lautrec.
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