Apply and encourage healthy and safe practices for you and the safety of the public at all times.
Love & Respect others: no form of harassment, bullying, gossip, slander, disrespectful behavior of any nature will be tolerated.
No copying, or replicating of any kind unless authorized by fellow artist/owner.
Privacy: Do not invade - all legal terms apply.
Confidentiality of Dandelion Gallerys private & personal member information. DC.CreativeConcepts,LLC. & Dandelion Gallery intellectual property of all administered ideas, concepts and strategies set forth to help Dandelion Gallery and its affiliates thrive therefore its intellectual property cannot shared, used, implemented by unauthorized individuals, 3rd party, or sold without legal authorization or may be subject to a lawsuit.
Integrity & Honor: Represent Dandelion Gallery and the aRT Coalition.
Do not create conflict for Dandelion Gallery, its members or yourself ( as it pertains to Dandelion Gallery).
Report all forms of threats and misconduct to Dandelion Gallery Management.
Illegal Drugs and Alcohol are not allowed. If and when alcohol is permitted on the property on behalf of Dandelion Gallery, consumption should be less to moderate to prevent intoxication. Without limitations, the foregoing covenant shall extend to any and all claims based upon the conduct of any participant who consumes alcohol or any other drug while participating in such activities, including but not limited to driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug.
No Panhandling of any nature in our outside the gallery.
Licensee/Renter assumes all liability for injury and death of any person(s) or animals in any way connected with renter's use of the Dandelion Gallery from any cause whatsoever.
Gallery capacity shall not exceed 300 people at one time. As used herein, " Participants" shall mean and include the Licensee/Renter, its members, employees, agents, and other persons present at the Facilities as a invitee/guest or by sufferance.
Licensee/Renter assumes all liability for loss at the Dandelion Gallery and the grounds, including pathways, outdoor structures and sidewalks. Including theft, disappearance, damage or injury to goods, wares, merchandise and property of any kind.
Licensee/Renter agrees to indemnify and hold the Dandelion Gallery and the Village of Waukegan harmless from any and all loss, actions, suits, proceedings or claims, including attorney's fees and/or other expenses resulting from or arising out of Licensee/Renters use of the Dandelion Gallery. Without limitations, the foregoing covenant shall extend to any and all claims based upon the conduct of any participant who consumes alcohol or any other drug while participating in such activities, including but not limited to driving while under the influence of alcohol or any other drug.
License/Renter agrees to hold Dandelion Gallery harmless should the facility be rendered not suitable for rental due to any act of God or Nature, act of War or Violence after entering into an agreement.
The Dandelion Gallery does not permit the rental of its facilities for the purposes of any illegal activities, including, but not limited to gambling, under drinking or exploitation.
Licensee/Renter agrees to abide by all the rules governing the use of the Dandelion Gallery as set forth herein and in accordance with all applicable laws of the State of Illinois, and all county and/or municipal ordinances.